lundi 24 septembre 2012

foutez nous la paix / video

Last Friday was the day of Peace;; to be remembered, celebrated and to be lived. As paradox as Earth Day or even Women Day, I personally think that those values should be implemented in the everyday life. People should open their mind, respect the other and be kind to his environment as the latter will last whilst Man will die. In 2012, those values are not observed everywhere on Earth and it is terrible to see bloodshed around the world.
To promote the World Peace Day, PUMAPeace produces film4peace, an annual short film commission. Contemporary young director adapted the concept of Peace visually and it is amazing to see how this simple notion is always different inside theirs shoes. This year 21 artists did 17 works, 21 artists from across the whole world adapting the theme " Peace Starts with Me". Their visions are often experimental and  challenging for the viewers.

Do find the 2012 offspring of PUMAPeace on:

And thanks a lot to our friend Patrice Offman and Le Sapin for the local live screening of those short movies and the debate!

dimanche 23 septembre 2012

Touched / Advert

When advertising does not need any kind of technology, gadget or make up, Peugeot new advert reveals more one the hidden card of the magical world of advertising; create an emotion, an sensorial experience. Hands are used in it, as a metonymy of the person, a stretch out figure of the everyday man, who is bornt, live, love, hurt, wounded, experimenting, in blood, on skin, burnt and connected to the most complex of our senses; the touch. Meters of tactile power that are usually resumed in the hands. Beautiful semiotics. Enjoy the idea, the promotion of life through it not the consumerism playing on our senses and emotions.

Pop of colour / Street

Appeared on our streets lately, a stunning magenta flag displaying Shiva. The screen printing is sharp and the black - white - magenta popped out of the usual urban landscape. 

vendredi 21 septembre 2012

greenwashing / tryo eco clip

Tryo, the ecological music band has recently released their last animated cartoon clip for their song "Greenwashing", which can be heard on their new album "Ladilafé". The clip expresses the human obsession of consumerism, how we always ask for more and destroy the earth's raw materials for our wants, not needs. Using simple forms, lines, mix-media and a good story-telling, Tryo adds pinches of  humor in the video, which is really pleasant for the eyes of every ages. The references to some mangas and video games is obvious. The alternative of  bright colors, and neutral/mat colors, switch the viewer of atmosphere, to reveal an inner consciousness. Discover and have fun.

mercredi 19 septembre 2012

vida e caffe / the warm design

Sheltered amidst shops in Bagatelle Shopping Mall, Vida e Caffe opened shortly. Warm and cozy are keywords which are reflected through the couches and a long dining table. More than a coffee shop, a coffee lounge can we say? The interior is contemporary; a mix of wood, metal and leather reminiscence of Bauhaus workshops. The menu, bold and direct, the typography, loud and modern, the cover, caps, bold and sans-serif, aroused the curiosity, inspired any designer. The industrial lamps help to create an intimate atmosphere, forgetting that we are in a shopping mall. A real pleasure for the eyes and the senses, the place encourage productivity and creativity! Yeah, work outside the usual framework - outside the open spaces and cubicles. The energy flows on this red, black and wood. Kudos.

The open setting

Espresso. Warning: the abuse of espresso can cause excessive working !

This beautiful menu - we've stolen it!!!
Last but not least, the espresso and chocolate are really yummy!

mardi 18 septembre 2012

pâmoison / mika new vid

Vintage and love, or even vintage love, enjoy this new video of Mika, done in Santiago with a lovely handwriting like typography.

vendredi 14 septembre 2012

Pop What? / a real step

A POP UP store, an ephemeral shop. Yet it is not as simple! It is an opportunity, in fact it is a glow of hope within the economical crisis. A pop up store is the chance to be outrageously creative, within the perspective that it is ephemeral, it won't last.

Take a look at the Adidas Pop Up Store

Incredible huh? A shoe box shop! ( Take a look at the whole article on

Last week end, such event took place at Ruisseau Creole under the initiative of Elizabeth de Marcy Chelin and Eloïse Maurel. The dynamic duo, full-fledged designers, are at the head of E&E// Visual Merchandising. They've seized up the opportunity to market young, starting and independent Mauritian designers. Because it is the secret weapon of a pop up store! The latter has a concept of unleashing creativity in the installation like a real artwork, along with the marketing concept of "if you are not buying now it won't last"!
So take a look at the event:

Inside of the Pop Up Store

Our coup de coeur!

The poster

Do you want more? Eloise and Elizabeth did not launch it as islet ! It is the beginning of a series of Pop Up store and while waiting just pop on their Facebook group:

And enjoy

Striving / a new start

With the end of an adventure, another one comes alive! After Peri Meter Design Magazine in which we've put all our energy, we striped, tried and ran out of breath. But the will to be active in the Mauritian Culture, in the Mauritian Design, is there, everyday. We did not stop to think about a come back!

Yet it is difficult to make a living out of a free online magazine!
So we are trying a new formula!
A blog
An open space!
A place where exclamation marks echo !!

So do you remember us? We are the minds behind Peri Meter.. yeah the magazine.. and the Cultural Evening at the Institut Francais de Maurice on the 27 May 2011.. yeah we were the one on radio with Daniella Bastien!

Dunno know us?

and do you remember this one ??

So yeah here we go again! The leftovers are sometimes better.. :)