mardi 14 octobre 2014


Million light-years away, when I was in Lower Six, I recalled that my dad bought me a Computer Arts Magazine titling Hail to Indesign, the ruler Quark is now dead! And this headline when the first thing I thought about trying the new Affinity Designer program, that the rule of Adobe was challenged! 

So you did not hear about it ? No way!

It is up everywhere on the web! 

And we got it!!! { Yeah!!! } { Yuppy Yeah! } 

Tried and mind blowed we can say that it offers various possibilities, it slides and it is light. 
Indeed we are fans! 

join the movement

Oh and while you are on youtube, get amazed by that:

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Hysteria // Street art

This week to showcase their world and touch of fantasy, but also one culminating night - Saturday 27 September 2014 for a live performance with Jeremy Labelle purest sound. 

As true hysterical groupies, we went, met and talked to them. Thrilling to meet and discuss street art vision with people we admire so much
Take a look at their under process work: 

Now go and see by yourself
Thanks to Ludovic Lufor and Aurelie Thomas for their pictures and make us feel less alone as groupies! And you should take a look at Ludovic work here, blooming potential we say!

lundi 22 septembre 2014

Carnet de voyage // paint exhibit

Hello peeps!
Our favourite contributor Parwiza went  to the paint exhibition of Pascal Lagesse this weekend.

A really colourful inspiration solace and warm whilst others were darker but in fact more realistic, this ode to travel depicts various faces of Mauritius as well as Rodrigues and India.

Rich in texture, the painter plays with perspective, pattern and volume. This eclectic charivari should have been opened for more days.

But in fact, do you think that the Audi center is a good place to foster those kind of exhibits?

We want to hear from you! Send us emails, like our Facebook, and share your news.

jeudi 4 septembre 2014

The Time Machine // Photo Exhibit

Hello peeps!
We are rather overwhelmed now but we will struggle to keep this blog alive!
Thanks to Parwiza ! This time, she went to an exhibition at the Photography Museum, in Port Louis.

So kind at heart, Parwiza also contributed with her own photographs of the exhibition!

It was like a time machine. This exhibition is like transposing you in another time, another space. Black and white. Portraits. All those timeless magical treasures. Daguerreotypes are the father of all our little point and shot, our huge SLR and even our rabbit in the hat mobiles! 
Did you know that Mauritius was one of the top five country to develop daguerreotypes. 
The one smirk would be the scale of the room, bigger it would have been a better scale for the exhibition, our curiosity and those treasures. 
Kudos to the Breville family.  

mercredi 9 juillet 2014

Discovery // Graphic novel

Read recently "Cadavre Exquis" by Penelope Bagieu.

More graphic novel than a comic, it is a concentrate of contemporary society. Playing with our values and crisis, Bagieu bases her story on dark tone with some delightful and light twists. The drawing style is as naive as thoughtful. 

Image taken from our sister brand, EPHEMERE
We highly recommend it. 


It was purchased at Trefle Libraire ! 

Meanwhile, Magaux Motin is back on track with some wicked illustration! Just glance at 

Galaswindawicked we say! 

mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Contribution // ARTchipelago

Elizabeth de Marcy Chelin, visage incontournable de la culture visuelle, investigatrice d'un souffle nouveau dont est né My Pop Up Store et NOMADS ART GALLERY, a participé au workshop de pARTage "ARTchipelago". Elle nous fait part de son experience: 

Alors comment s'est fait ta rencontre avec pARTage?

Ce mois ci j’ai participé à un Workshop de deux semaines avec le Collectif d’artistes Mauriciens pARTage. Le collectif a mis sur pied un workshop comprenant une vingtaine d’artistes de toutes nationalités avec pour résultat une exposition ARTCHIPELAGO actuellement en cours à L’Institut Français de Maurice, à Rose Hill. Le travail s’est effectué entre Flic en Flac et Rose Hill. Ma rencontre avec pARTage s’est faite il y a deux ans lors de mon retour à Maurice. Depuis j’essaie de suivre les activités de ce collectif d’artistes. Pour ma part j’ai pris connaissance de ce workshop à travers Elise Mignot, qui est une personne très active au sein du milieu culturel Mauricien, et je la remercie pour cela. Ma candidature a été retenue pour le Workshop, pour mon plus grand plaisir.

Pourquoi ce theme d'ARTchipelago?

Cette année étant l’année des SIDS (Small Islands Developing States), le thème s’est semble-t-il imposé de lui-même. L’Ile Maurice est au cœur des questions soulevées par les SIDS (politiques, sociales, environnementales, productives, sociologiques) et fait partie de l’archipel des Mascareignes. En tant qu’acteur référent dans l’océan indien, dans bien des domaines, L’Ile Maurice souhaite également participer de la question des SIDS et de leur devenir, d’où le thème de l’exposition ARTchipelago. Mais pas que ! pARTage célèbre également ces dix années d’existence en 2014 !

Comment était la semaine de workshop?

Cette expérience fut enrichissante d’un point de vue humain : travailler ensemble, se comprendre, appréhender les questionnements de chacun. Cet exercice n’est pas facile, surtout lorsque les personnalités sont fortes et les différences culturelles (aussi bien dans le fond que dans la forme) bien présentes. C’est un travail de patience, d’acceptation et de reconnaissance de l’artiste, qui a besoin de puiser dans ses ressources pour mieux « vivre ensemble » tout en réfléchissant son travail artistique. Nourrir une œuvre et la penser dans un environnement que l’on ne maitrise pas peut parfois se révéler très fastidieux. 

Pour ma part il y a eu des surprises, tant positives que négatives. J’ai aimé les rencontres, j’ai aimé découvrir l’autre, j’ai aimé nos différences. C’est une chance incroyable que nous avons eu de pouvoir partager avec des artistes d’envergure internationale, de pouvoir baigner dans tant de créativité en un seul lieu. Notre île, bien que petite, dispose de ressources insoupçonnées (de personnes insoupçonnables surtout) capables de réaliser ce genre de rencontre et qu’il faut absolument encourager et soutenir ! Ceci dit j’ai pu constater un manque de communication et d’échange à plusieurs niveaux. Je regrette de ne pas avoir eu plus d’échange soutenu avec le commissariat d’exposition au cours de l’élaboration des œuvres. Quant au choix d’accrochage de la commissaire, il s’est révélé d’une efficacité remarquable lors du montage de l’exposition.

Je regrette également que tous les artistes Mauriciens n’aient pu être présents lors du workshop. Le but d’un workshop est de partager et d’apprendre le « vivre ensemble » tout en proposant un travail artistique réfléchi au cours de ce temps de réflexion. Il n’est pas tout d’afficher un nom et une œuvre : la démarche de l’auteur est également importante.

Et surtout le recommanderais-tu? Si oui, comment les jeunes artistes peuvent-ils y participer?

Il faut encourager l’ouverture envers les jeunes artistes émergents qui mériteraient d’être vus et entendus pour leurs travaux engagés. Les jeunes artistes sont là pour apporter de la fraicheur et de la clarté, rassembler et multiplier les champs d’expression : l’important est de communiquer plus largement tout en restant fidèle à ses convictions artistiques. Une expérience positive dans son ensemble que je recommande à tout artiste désireux de prendre un temps de réflexion artistique. Ecrire à pARTage serait une bonne chose pour faire part de vos envies :

Merci Elizabeth! Et pour visiter l'exposition vous avez encore 2 jours! 

vendredi 27 juin 2014

upDATES // culture news

Hot Hot News!!!

The "Galerie Hélène de Senneville" which just refurbished its philosophy and its interior, is launching "Le Mois de la Photographie" in August! Open to everyone and to every photographic media, follow them on Facebook for more information.

The insatiable Elizabeth de Marcy Chelin who is behind My Pop Up Shop, is back with her photographic marathon in September. Get ready and tune for more events!

Talented Chloe Ip is launching a series of prints. It was announced shortly on her Facebook. Have a look here: 

Beautiful ain't it!? 

Plus IFM currently channeling the exhibition of ARTchipelago

And for the cinema and audiovisual field, "l’Association Porteurs d’Images", responsible of events such as "Île Courts-Festival International du Court Métrage de Maurice" & " Film. Box", has opened a spot at Rue Emile Duvivier, Beau Bassin. They has also launched since Monday "L'Archipel des Cinémas", ( in collaboration with CIFF-Comoros International Film Festival et FIFAI-Festival du Film d'Afrique et des Îles) for the ACPCultures+  Program. 
A C P - African Caribbean & Pacifician - has the aim at diminishing poverty by strengthening the culture industry. Do not hesitate to drop by their Facebook for more info!


dimanche 22 juin 2014

O k r a // Just Bugging

If you missed the buzz around lately - O k r a -, you must have been hibernating! 

Julie Pang, the mastermind behind this little but highly creative brand, studied at IFA Paris campus in Shanghai. Her graduation collection was based on the theme insects, focusing on their extraordinary shapes. 
For her project, Miss Pang explored and researched on their various aspects. Her collections “Insects & Habitats”, “Undersea Walk” and “Minimalist” are all linked to nature and to her new love, bug. In fact it is the core inspiration behind - O k r a - evolving, fostering and nurturing the same theme. 

The young designer never planned to make jewellery after graduating from her fashion school. Her revelation occurred when she stepped into a bead shop in China. Loving new experience with medias, she jumped into the handmade manufacture. Even the idea of using beads, threads, wire and stones altogether offered her limitless creations.

Her design process is very spontaneous, without sketch, she arranges the beads depending on the colours and shapes. Her insects inspirations is omnipresent. 
Being true to herself as a designer is her leitmotiv. Julie Pang wants her creations to reflect who she is. When she was in Mauritius, you could find Julie around the island in punctual sales, now that she's back in Shanghai, you can find her unique handcrafted design on her new Etsy shop.

Needless to confirm that Julie is the sister of the talented Karen Pang, who photographed some of Julie's creations. Both are highly creative and excel in their respective field.

 For more info on
 - O k r a - do find them on Facebook or Etsy. Don’t you know the work of Karen? Go on her Facebook now and stop hibernating! 

samedi 21 juin 2014

English Tea Shop // Packaging

Foodies! This is for you! 
Discovered during last week end, this new brand of tea: English Tea Shop. A delicacy of different flavours. We tried Rooibos, Chocolat and Vanilla. Besides its divine taste, the design is so fresh and dynamic. Using an evident paradigm: the teapot, the message is clear; to be savoured and not drink mindlessly. The pop of colour might be unusual but it serves its function, that it attracts the eye. A beautiful packaging that might looks too girly for some but in fact, it contrasts a lot with the usual boring and plain boxes we are used to. Eclectic blend, lucid and at times exotic. 

And did we tell you that it was trade fair and organic? 
Could we ask for more? I do not think so! Kudos for English Tea Shop. 
For more info: For some purchase it is available at Monoprix Bagatelle

lundi 16 juin 2014

Inside // Seth

Heard last week that life was a melting of hope and despair or more candidly said in French d'espoir et de désespoir. Those words are reflected in the portrait of Julien Malland { Seth }, done by Estelle Beauvais. Brief and swarming of soft vanilla light, it is about his vision and his path in street art. The globe trotter documentary can be seen on Vimeo or on his Facebook page

Creative manifesto // Myster

As they stated themselves Myster is an ARTivist fighting 43DOM of expression, mainly against the biometric identity card. Myster chose the most effective media to touch masses, visual literacy explaining the problem with the new identity card and its consequences. 

Get in touch on Facebook & on Twitter

Hats off for the clean and expressive style, strong and bold lines as well as the balance between the black and white cartoon and the textured animation. 

in perspective // school exhibition

Right now, the Fashion and Design Institute is playing their best marketing card by exhibiting students. The annual exposure is opened to the public till Thursday 19 June 2014. 
Did you go? 
What did you prefer? 
We are leaving you with some of our favourites.

Photographs by Michael Lee Tin Wah

Yeah we are back on track!